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Dr. Nabajyoti Saikia

Dr. Nabajyoti Saikia

Professor & Dean

Email - nabajyoti@kazirangauniversity.in

Academic Qualification


Worked at

Career Highlights & Awards:

Teaching Information:
Teaching Experience:3 Years.
Specialities:Inorganic chemistry, Inorganic solid state (materials) chemistry and nano chemistry, Bio-inorganic and Organometallic chemistry, Chemical application of group theory, Environmental chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Green chemistry.
Courses taught at PG level:Conceptual inorganic chemistry (s and p block elements), Chemical bonding, Transition metal chemistry, Metal clusters, Supramolecular chemistry, Materials chemistry including nano materials, Environmental chemistry, Green chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Chemical applications of group theory, Nuclear chemistry, Bio-inorganic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry laboratory.
Courses taught at UG level:

Supervision of student projects:

Other Information: