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National Seminar on "Social Exclusion and Challenges of Inclusion in India" organised by School of Social Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam

National Seminar on "Social Exclusion and Challenges of Inclusion in India" organised by School of Social Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam

A two-day national seminar on "Social Exclusion and Challenges of Inclusion in India"organised by the School of Social Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University was held during 25-26 of August, 2017. The seminar was participated by 34 participants from different colleges of Assam and also from JawaharLal Nehru University (JNU), Dibrugarh University and Assam Womens' University Jorhat. In the Inaugural Session of the seminar, Dr. P.K. Mishra, honourable vice-chancellor of the Assam Kaziranga University delivered the welcome address. Dr. Mishra in his address briefly highlighted the objectives of establishment of the Assam Kaziranga University. He further dealt with the concept of social exclusion that has been operating in different countries based on different social phenomenon. Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Director, Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, delivered the Inaugural Address. Prof. Srivasata, who is a versatile orator, cited in his address examples of social exclusion as well as social inclusion in the Indian society and also of different societies of the world. He emphasized upon the fact that the social exclusion and inclusion are processes which are not to be looked in isolation of each other, rather they both exist simultaneously in human societies.The Inaugural Session was also addressed by Prof. B.N. Borthakur, Dean, School of Social Sciences who in his speech focused on the objectives of organizing academic events such as seminars in universities. Prof. Borthakur opined that the academic image of the university is reflected through academic activities like holding of seminars, participation of teaches in such seminars, publication of research journals and publication of research papers, books etc. by the teachers. Dr. Biswajit Ghosh, Professor of Sociology, University of Burdwan, West Bengal, delivered the keynote address of the seminar. In his address, Prof. Ghosh dwelt upon at length the concept of social exclusion and he particularly discussed the phenomenon of social exclusion in Indian context from four angles namely dalits, tribals, religious minorities and women. In all, four technical sessions were held which were chaired by Prof. B.N. Borthakur, Prof. Biswajit Ghosh, Prof. Jyoti Prasad Saikia and Dr. RuprekhaBordoloi, Principal Kakojan College, jorhat. In the Valedictory Session, valedictory address was delivered by Dr.Jyoti Prasad Saikia, Professor of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, who in his address besides dealing with the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion, also appreciated the School of Social Sciences of Kaziranga University for organizing such kind of academic event. Prof. B.N. Borthakur delivered the vote of thanks in which he appreciated the management of the Kaziranga University for their support in organizing the seminar and commented that this is symbolic of their pursuit for developing the Kaziranga University as one of the best academic institutions in the North-East and in India. He also thanked the participants and resource persons for their engagement in the seminar.