The School of Social Sciences, Kaziranga University is organizing a two day National Seminar on Tea Tribe Community: The Contours & Continuum of their Exclusion from 26th to 27th March, 2020. Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), the national seminar invites seminar papers from teachers, research scholars, students from University/Colleges, freelancers, academicians/researchers, philanthropists, lawyers, law makers and administrators on any topic broadly covering the main theme of the seminar. The paper may be based on empirical study, a policy paper or secondary research. The sub themes of the seminar include
The seminar is expected to encourage cross learning, create awareness and strengthen the argument and therefore the advocacy initiatives for ameliorating the socio-economic condition of the community. Selective papers will be peer reviewed and published in the form of a compendium as a knowledge product. For more details, (Click Here).