Event Name: International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Practices in Commerce, Economy, Technology, Education, Science & Society
Event Date: 22nd and 23rd April 2022 (Friday & Saturday)
Event Location: Virtual Online with Live participation
Organized By: School of Business (SOB) The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat Assam and Inspira Research Association –IRA Jaipur
Write up and Report:
- A brief report about the respective event in detail.
In attendance are 200 Faculty Members, Corporate Executives, Research Scholars, PG Students, Administrators, Businessmen
- Highlights about what did Participants learned during the particular 2 Day event.
- Keynote Address by Prof Dr T N Mathur VC IIS Jaipur
- Chairpersons Talk by Dr Chai Ching Tan (Thailand) Beatriz Lucia (Salvador Bizotto Brazil), Prof Dr S S Modi, Prof Dr M S Pahwa
- Keynote Address by Prof Dr Anil Mehta, Prof Dr Ravi Kant Modi, Dr Aarti Chopra, Prof Dr Arpita Basak
- Research Paper Presentations from 40 Research Scholars
- Experiential Learning from the Talks, Discussion and deliberation of Speakers/eminent Resource Persons
- New perspectives relating to Innovative Sustainable Practices in
- Commerce, Economy and Technology
- Education, Science and Society
- Organizing members from School of Business AKU Jorhat and IRA Jaipur-
Prof Dr PK Mishra VC AKU Jorhat, Prof Dr S S Modi, Dr Manvinder S Pahwa, Prof Dr Anil Mehta, Prof Dr Ginlianlal Buhril, Prof Dr Ravi Kant Modi, Prof Dr Arpita Basak, Prof Dr Aarti Chopra, Prof Dr Golak Patra, Prof Dr Ashok Kumar, Prof Dr Govind Prasad Bhandari, Prof Eikjyot Kour, Prof Pinky Roy, Prof Lipika Sarmah, Prof Bandana Thakur, Dr Dorothy Dutta, Prof Pulak Bora, Debanuj Khound, Prof Dr Anil Kumar Bhatia