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Awareness activity on “Health and Hygiene for Women” conducted at Socklatinga Tea Estate organized by School of Social Sciences

Awareness activity on “Health and Hygiene for Women” conducted at Socklatinga Tea Estate organized by School of Social Sciences

A group of students from MSW and BSW I Semester, School of Social Sceinces,  The Assam Kaziranga Univeristy  organized an awareness programme on “Health and Hygiene for Women” in   Socklatinga Tea Estate on 25th November, 2022.  The purpose of this awareness programme was to make the women of this area aware about the importance of good health and the need for maintaining hygiene to lead a healthy life.

The awareness drive was primarily designed for the women community of this tea garden who not only the daily wage earners, but also the primary caretaker of their household chores and children.  And while doing so, they forget to take care of their own health which results in many diseases and ultimately leads to their death. Hence, the main objective of this awareness drive was to enlighten the women community why it is importance to take care of their health and educate them about various health hazards and how to overcome them. The awareness activity was conducted under the supervision of Dr Saurabhi Sarmah, Associate professor, School of Social Sciences with the help received from Mr Vidya Bauri, an active member of the Sockatinga Tea Estate.  A no of important topics related to women’s health and hygiene have been discussed that include regular bathing, menstrual hygiene, increased water intake,  ensuring proper cleaning, restricting alcohol, importance regular health check-up etc. The students also did health check-ups to ensure if anybody among the women present in the program had high blood pressure. It was found that majority of the women had high blood pressure.  It was also found that child marriage is a major problem in the community which is causing further problems among mother and children. The program was a successful one with a good number of participation received from the women tea garden workers.

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